Super Toddlers & Big Kids (Ages 2-10)

This package is ideal for toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary-age children who never quite learned healthy, independent sleep skills. Maybe your child...

  • Stalls at bedtime and comes out of her room multiple times every night.

  • Struggles to fall asleep on his own in his own room/bed, needing mom or dad to lay with him.

  • Wakes multiple times in the middle of the night and needs you to help her get back to sleep - or is CLIMBING IN BED WITH YOU.

  • Experiences sleep walking or night terrors.

  • Struggles with anxiety/fears about bedtime.

Or experiences any other number of sleep issues with bedtime, night wakings, or nap time.

The good news is it's never too late to teach your child independent sleep skills and that sleep is a beautiful thing!


Included in the Toddler/Big Kids Package (Ages 2-10):

Investment: $499

Preliminary Sleep Evaluation

You will complete a detailed sleep evaluation questionnaire about your child's current sleep habits/schedule, including any questions/concerns you have. This will help me prepare for our consultation call and ensure we get the most out of our time together.


A blueprint will be developed based on your answers to the questionnaire, including personalized content specifically for your family's situation. The plan includes step-by-step instructions, so it is easy to follow.

60-90 Minute Private Phone/Video Consultation

In this 60-90 minutes, we'll walk through your sleep plan, addressing strategies for behavior change work, bedtime, night wakings, and naps (if needed), and troubleshoot any potential problems so you feel prepared to help your child navigate through his/her sleep struggles.

Digital Sleep Log

An easy way to keep track of your child's daytime and nighttime sleep, so you and I can track his/her progress over time.

four Weeks of Follow-Up Support Including...

One week of behavior change support - including 2 days of Voxer check ins (a walkie-talkie app), followed by three weeks of support during sleep changes. We’ll start sleep support with a phone call the day after starting your plan to discuss how the first night went, and then utilize Voxer support so you can send me any questions you have in the moment via voice or text message.

Sleep Solutions Guide

At the conclusion of our 4 weeks together, we’ll schedule a final 30-minute call where you can bring any final questions you have, and I'll also provide you with a sleep solutions guide including some bonus tips on how to handle sickness, teething, travel, time changes, etc.

2 Hours on Night 1

Add: $99

2 Hours on Nights 1 AND 2

Add: $199

4 Hours on Night 1

Add: $249

Bedtime voice/Text Message Support

Whenever we make a change or try something new, there is usually some anxiety around what’s going to happen. But have no fear, I’m happy to block off some time on my calendar for you at bedtime the first night to make sure you’re 100% confident in what to do to help your child learn to sleep well!

We’ll use voice/text messaging on the Voxer app, and I’ll be there to support, encourage, and answer your questions in real time.

Want real-time help through your child’s first night waking? Ask about the 4 hour option!

additional Nighttime support options

Click here to read about additional nighttime support options available with any sleep package for an additional charge.